
Goal in sight


Today I started reading my 50th book! I’m pretty sure read it cover-to-cover, so it looks like I’ll meet my personal goal to read 50 books by the end of the year. I’m tempted to make it the last book, even if I finish it quickly. Mainly because I don’t want to take the chance of the next book being unfinished on 1 January. The other reason is because I started the year off with Harlequin Historical’s 2006 Christmas anthology. It’s fitting that I round out the year with 2007’s.

My actual off-line total is 60 because I keep track of the books that fail the 50 page test. I didn’t want to waste time blogging about them. Also in the 10-book difference are short stories that weren’t in anthologies (i. e., Harlequin Minis). I suppose the total page count of all those “didn’t finishes” and minis probably adds up to at least 1 book. But, since I didn’t blog them, I won’t count them. It looks like that my official contribution to eHarlequin’s 10,000 Book Challenge is 50 books.

Speaking of which, the hosts emailed us to let us know that we ended November at approximately 22, 460 books; well over the 10,000. They’ve announced the goal for 2008: 100,000 books. I will definitely be participating, which means I may have to re-think my other challenge lists because of the 50/50 imprint rule.

I’m going to set a personal goal of 60 for 2008.

We’ll see how that turns out! 🙂


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