
Death at Rottingdean

Death at Rottingdean

Death at Rottingdean

Author: Robin Paige
Copyright: 1999 (Berkley); 290 pgs.
Series: 5th in the Victorian/Edwardian Mystery series
Sensuality: N/A

Where & When: Rottingdean, Fall 1897

Summary: For Kathryn Ardleigh and her newly Lorded husband, Charles, a seaside holiday in Rottingdean is a much-needed respite. Known as Smuggler’s Village, the cozy hamlet sits upon a labyrinth of hundred-year-old tunnels through which contraband goods were once smuggled in and out of England. But when the body of a coast guard is found on the beach, the couple suspect the town is still plying the illicit trades of its past. And with the help of an imaginative young writer named Rudyard Kipling, they’re about to discover that something’s rotten in the town of Rottingdean…

Comments: A year has passed since the events of the previous book. Charles’s older brother has fininally passed away and he is now the 5th Baron Somersworth. This new role has taken him to London to fulfill his obligations in Parliament. Kate, believing it to be her duty, has moved from Bishop’s Keep to be with him. Not long after coming to London, Kate became very ill. The trip to Rottingdean is supposed to be a chance for them to relax and recuperate. The Sheridan’s are barely there a day before they find themselves drawn into the investigation of a dead coast guard.

An eleven-year-old boy, Patrick, may know more than his is willing to tell. He confides in Rudyard Kipling, who is visiting his favorite aunt. When the less-than helpful local constable shows no signs of investigating the death as a murder, Kipling asks for Charles’s help. Charles is reluctant — after all, he came to Rottingdean to spend time with Kate. But a second death is revealed to him while in the presence of the Prince of Wales and Charles’s involvement becomes official by royal decree.

Kate, or I should say, Beryl wasn’t very prominent in this one. It made the book feel as if it lacked something. I felt that Kate was side-lined and I didn’t enjoy this one as much as the others.

Started: 11 May 2008
Finished: 17 May 2008

Three Stars

Enjoyed it!


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