REVIEW – The Maverick's Greek Island Mistress by Kelly Hunter

The Maverick's Greek Island Mistress

The Maverick's Greek Island Mistress

Author: Kelly Hunter
UK Title: Taken by the Bad Boy
UK ISBN: 978-0-263-86373-4
UK Publisher: Harlequin Mills & Boon (Modern Heat)
Copyright: 2008

N. A. Title: The Maverick’s Greek Island Mistress
N. A. ISBN: 978-0-373-12825-9
Published in N. A.: 2009 (Harlequin); 185 pgs.
Series: Harlequin Presents #2825
Sensuality: Warm
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Her:  Serena Comino.  Serena is on the island to fulfill her obligation to her grandparents by taken her turn at running the family-owned vespa rental stand. Her Greek relations also own a fishing boat, which is being run by her cousin Nico. Serena would rather be pursuing a career in photojournalism. She passes the time, and satisfies her inner shutter-bug, by taking photos to be used in postcards. Her family, even the Australian side, doesn’t understand her desire and considers her photography as a hobby. When she first sees Pete, she views him as someone who would be fun to pass the time with while on the island.

Him: Pete Bennett.  Pete was an air-sea search and rescue pilot. One too many “failures” — in situations he had no power to control — have taken a toll. He’s walked away from that life, but he hasn’t made any long-term plans either. He’s in perfect position to sub for a friend, with a broken leg, flying day-trippers to and from the little island. Pete’s attracted to Serena and is willing to be her distraction, but any sort of intimate relationship is hampered by the over-protective friends of Serena’s family. That doesn’t bother Pete too much. He knows a thing or two about over-protective families. After their mother died, Pete and his brothers behave similarly in regards to their baby sister, Hallie.

Taken by the Bad Boy

Taken by the Bad Boy

The relationship progress: Neither of them are looking for a long term relationship when they first meet. Serena is looking for a career and Pete isn’t looking to settle down anytime soon. But, no matter how determined Pete is to keep things casual, he ends up falling for her. He helps her with her search for photojournalism jobs and she helps him deal with his ghosts. Serena also encourages him to return to Australia, and air-sea search and rescue.

The conflict: Just as he’s made the decision to return to his old job, hopefully with Serena at his side, Serena is offered a job in Athens.

What I liked: Pete. He’s a great guy. Good-natured, as he puts up with the crazy locals sabotaging his attempts to be alone with Serena. He supportive of Serena and understands and appreciates her dreams of being a photographer.

What I didn’t like
: As it is sometimes the case, the Presents title is a little misleading. It gives the wrong impression about Pete and Serena’s relationship. A more accurate title would have been “The Maverick’s Greek Island Fling”. Pete is not married or in some other serious relationship, and Serena’s is in no way his mistress.


  • This is the 3rd book featuring one of the Bennett siblings. Previously, we met Hallie (Wife for a Week) and Tristan (Bedded for Diamonds).
  • There will be two more books, featuring Luke Bennett and Jake Bennett, in 2010 (UK release).
  • I know I’ve said this before, but Kelly Hunter is still my favorite Presents author. Her books are fun to read.
  • There is a secondary romance between Nico and Chloe, the woman who runs the little hotel. Her young nephew Sam, befriends Pete.
  • Jake, Luke, and Tristan make an appearance in this book. 🙂

Recommended to: Those who wish to try a Presents book, but are leery of over-the-top alpha men, billionaires, etc. Pete’s almost an ordinary guy. And Serena is a strong heroine: she not afraid go after the things she wants.

Favorite Quotes:
“Wedding photographer in Vegas?”
“Only if I’d be working for Elvis.”
“It’s possible.”
— Pete, Serena (looking at jobs for her)

“A British rock god needs a helicopter pilot to keep on retainer.”
“Just shoot me now.”
— Serena, Pete (looking at jobs for him)

Started: 31 August 2009
Finished: 6 September 2009


Liked A Lot

Disclaimer: I purchased this book.

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