
Shades of Earl Grey


Shades of Earl Grey Theo is mingling with the cream of Charleston society at the engagement soiree of the season. But as they eagerly await the dazzling young couple’s arrival, the groom meets with a freak accident. The exquisite wedding ring — a family heirloom from the crown of Marie Antoinette — is mysteriously missing.

3rd in the Indigo Tea Shop Mystery series
Author: Laura Childs
ISBN: 0-425-18821-3 (Berkley)
Finished: 6 July 2007
Who: Theodosia Browning

In the third book of this cozy little mystery series, Theo is tracking thieves instead of murderers. She comes up with the perfect bait, with the hopes of catching the culprit. Though it doesn’t go exactly as she planned, Theo does unmask the thief.

As each new character was introduced, I weighed the possibilities of he or she being the guilty party. Almost from the beginning, I was sure that two people — partners — were involved, given the circumstances of each incident. I couldn’t see how the thefts were carried out by one person.

Included in the book are recipes for several of the dishes mentioned in the story, including Haley’s tea smoothies and tub tea (for the bath).

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