Fun with stats



I don’t normally look at my stats. WordPress makes it easy for me to do so — and occasionally I glance at what search terms my blog popped up for, or which site most of my visitors were referred from — but for the most part I ignore them. Just for giggles though, I’ve been looking  at them a little more closely lately and had noticed a few trends, especially in regards to the searches. Out of curiosity, I dug a little deeper.

The all-time top search term my blog popped up in is not “babbling” as one would think.  It’s “Mr. & Mrs. Darcy”.  I suppose I should stop procrastinating and finish the rest of the series, considering how often some variation of the search term pops up in my stats.

You’d think, based on the above stats, that the review for “Pride and Prescience” would be the most viewed post or page on my blog.   It’s not.  It’s the 6th most viewed book review post (this excludes  “About Me” and the various challenge pages/posts that had higher view counts).

The top most view book review?

“These Old Shades”.  Georgette Heyer, and search terms referring to her books or characters, appear more frequently than almost any other subject. The other most frequent topic is Star Wars. There are three book in the top 10 most viewed reviews:

01. These Old Shades (G. Heyer)
02. Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil (J. Luceno)
03. Nicola and the Viscount (M. Cabot)
04. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (M. Stover)
05. Lady in Waiting (A. Herries)
06. Pride and Prescience (C. Bebris)
07. Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (D. Karpyshyn)
08. Maid of Honor (P. Marshall)
09. Magic Burns (I. Andrews)
10. Murder in the North End (P. Ryan)

This wealth of data tells me I should ditch the reading challenges that can’t accommodate Heyer, Star Wars, and the Darcy’s mystery series. Regency England and A Galaxy Far, Far Away. Wow.

Those were the all-time stats. Lately, I’ve been noticing that my blog pops up in searches for anything related to the Kate Daniels series or its author. Inquiring minds want to know if the main character hooks up with a certain Beast Lord in book three. Me, I think she’s in denial. 😉

And people seemed to be anxious to learn the title of the third book in the White House Chef mystery series.  No idea.  Sorry.

And where do most of my visitors come from?

Brie’s blog, Musing of a Bibliophile.  I bet she voted for “Slave to Sensation” in my poll and will be stopping by to see what I think of it.  And I’m sure she’ll be by to see what I think of “Silent on the Moor“. So, I owe Brie and her readers a big “THANK YOU” for their many visits.

That’s all the fun I could handle for one day.


Fun with stats — 4 Comments

  1. I used to never view my stats but now I do it about once a week to see what reviews drive the most visitors to my site. I think my most sought after review is The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery.

    I did vote for STS! *g* I really wanted to see what you would think about it. So, did you read it?

  2. There’s a reading challenge of Montgomery’s non-Anne books. That’s bound to increase traffic a little.

    Yeah, the polls still on. I only started Dawnkeepers the other day. It’s over 400 pages. It will take me a bit, before I get to the next book. 😀

  3. It is fun to see what posts generate the most traffic. My most popular review is one of the first reviews I did for a young adult book. I think everyone who has commented (other than me) are teenagers! It’s quite interesting to read their comments.