Anne Stuart Read-a-Fest


What: Anne Stuart Read-a-Fest
When: 15 April – 15 October 2009
Who: Ana O. (Cosy Little World)
Rules: To read as many novels written by Anne Stuart in six months.  No list required.  Ana will be awarding prizes.  To learn more and sign  up, read the sign-up post.

Ever since I read Black Ice last year, I’ve been adding her books to my TBR.  So far, all I’ve manage to read since is a short story from a Christmas anthology.  I wasn’t going to join any more challenges, but I saw this “fest”, saw that there wasn’t a minium book requirement, and decided, “why not?”

Ana has provided a list of books here.

As usual, I will track my progress here.


Anne Stuart Read-a-Fest — 5 Comments

  1. Pingback: Summer Vaction Reading Challenge « Babbling Book Reviews

  2. Christina, welcome aboard! I’m sure we’ll have tons of fun with this Fest. 🙂

  3. Welcome to the fest, Christina! I’m always promising to myself I won’t join another challenge and then some interesting ones show up and I just can’t resist.;-)
