
2011 Historical Fiction Challenge


Historical Fiction Challenge

What: 2011 Historical Fiction Challenge
When: 1 January – 31 December 2011
Who: Historical Tapestry
Rules: Pick a level and read the require number of books. For details and sign up, go here.

Note: all historical fiction is acceptable per the hostesses (fantasy, romance, young adult, mystery)

  1. Severe Bookaholism: 20 books
  2. Undoubtedly Obsessed: 15 books
  3. Struggling the Addiction: 10 books
  4. Daring & Curious: 5 books
  5. Out of My Comfort Zone: 2 books

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I decided to join this challenge because it fit with my goal to read the Harlequin Historical Romance series, Silk & Scandal (8 books); the three two historical mystery series I’ve been neglecting; and a Heyer or two for the Georgette Heyer perpetual challenge. If I manage just the above mentioned books, I’ll be a happy camper.

As usual, I will track my progress here.


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