Bloggiesta 2011 – Starting Line


UPDATED: 23 Jan 11
UPDATED: 22 Jan 11
UPDATED: Finishing for the night (21 Jan 10)

In no particular order, here are the things I hope to accomplish this weekend:

  • Re-post the missing posts from “Blog Crash 2009”
  • Go through the Author pages in the “Index” tab and make sure all the books are linked to the review (if the review is done).  Add any books that are pending.  Put note next to any series that I’m NOT continuing due to lack of interest.  I’ve started this — will pick back up in the A.M. with M-O Completed 22 Jan
  • Go through year tabs (2010 and 2011).  Look for any missing links. Add challenges. Completed 22 Jan
  • Link to incomplete/completed challenge posts 2010 challenges updated.
  • Create draft post for all pending books Completed 22 Jan
  • Create draft post for all 12 monthly updates (even if it’s just the graphics and signature) Completed 23 Jan
  • Create a page for personal reading challenges — reading challenges I’ve seen other places, but I want to do differently than the guidelinesCompleted and added to the “2011” tab on 23 Jan
  • Created separate page for “In Death” Reading Challenge Completed 21 Jan

There are other things I might find to do, as I work the above list — things I forgot to write down, etc. — and there are a few odd jobs that I might have only one thing, one tweak, to do and it’s not worth listing up front. I’ll keep track of what I did, so I can add it to the list of accomplishment.

There are a few off-line, book cataloging tasks I want to do as well. I have two different programs for tracking my books. One is great from for searches, sorting, and tagging, but not so great if I want to copy/paste my blog post, especially the longer ones. The other one is great for the copying in my review, but I don’t like it for organization. I just figured out how to do screen shots, so maybe I could do a blog post on the two different programs.

(Stop fiddling with the screen shots, Christina, and get started on the other tasks!!)



Bloggiesta 2011 – Starting Line — 6 Comments

    • It was painful, and it happened just before the fall Read-a-thon. Now, I subscribe to both my post feed and my comments feed as an added precaution.

      Thanks for stopping by! 😀

  1. “_ Crash” of anything is sure to send shivers down the spine of anyone who works on a computer, lol.

    I love your signature at the end of your posts – that’s one of those things I’m going to get to if I find the time (riight).

    • I crashed my blog twice that year. It happened when I screwed up an WordPress upgrade. I didn’t learn my lesson and did it again. 🙄

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  2. I am impressed! And if you ever do that blog post on your two book-tracking programs, I will be all ears (or eyes, rather).

    • Thanks!
      I’m seriously thinking about about it. I need to “play” some more with making the screen captures into “slides” in Power Point. It’s fun, in a geeky way. 🙂