
The Naming Conventions Challenge


What: The Naming Conventions Challenge
When: 1 September 2008 – 30 May 2009
Who: Maria (Reading My Way Through Life)
Rules: Copied directly from her site:
1) Write down your first name (or whatever name you usually go by)
2) Do any or all of the following (i.e. do 2a and/or 2b and/or 2c):
2a) For each letter, pick an author whose last name starts with that letter.
2b) For each letter, pick an author whose first name starts with that letter.
2c) For each letter, pick a book that starts with that letter.
3) Books can be cross-overs from other challenges, but each book can only be used once in this challenge. Authors may be repeated though.
4) The challenge lasts one month per letter of your name
5) Sign up by commenting to this post.

The books can be read in any order and the list changed at any time during the challenge.

RED books are on multiple reading challenges.

I’m going with book titles only:

C – Ceremony in Death (J.D. Robb)
H – Heat Stroke (Rachel Caine)
R – ?
I – Invisible Recruit (Mary Buckham)
S – Suspense and Sensibility (Carrie Bebris)
T – Twist (Colby Hodge) {2 Sep 08} (REVIEW)
I – Innocence Unveiled (Blythe Gifford)
N – Nightkeepers (Jessica Andersen) {12 Oct 08} (REVIEW)
A – Ace is Wild (Penny McCall)

Updated 11 Nov 2008: – Go here to see my progress.


The Naming Conventions Challenge — 3 Comments

  1. Glad you want to play along! I haven’t read any of the books on your list, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing what you think of them 🙂
